Sunday, 15 August 2010

Dachshund Fetches Help When Owner Collapses

When Charlie Burdon suffered a vertigo attack and collapsed his gutsy eleven year old dachshund Missy ran to his friend's house to get help. She then got his attention and circled the house several times to indicate something was wrong. Here she is pictured with her owner who thinks she's a hero.

you can see a news video of the story.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Bathing Your Dachshund

You CAN bath your Dachshund as often as you like!

There are lots of huge myths about washing dogs too frequently being bad for them, and they are only partly true. It relates to working dogs only - who, were they washed frequently, would lose the oil and therefore the waterproofing properties in their coats.

You can bath your Dachshund (or any pet dog) as often as you want to. In fact there is no reason why you cannot bath your dog every day if you like. Just ensure you dry him properly afterward.

People basically wash dogs to prevent them smelling in the house. So if your dog smells OK and you only wash him once a month, then that is fine. If you use a flea treatment on your dachshund, do not wash him for three or four days after applying the treatment.

Like the video above shows, it makes sense to bathe your dachshund in the sink. This keeps you pet at the right level and your posture correct, making it less likely to hurt your back. There is also less room for your dachshund to wriggle about, so you can control bathtime well and get it over with as soon as possible, if your dog hates having a bath.