Thursday 8 October 2009

Dachshund Bookends Gift

Here's a great gift for dachshund owners who love reading. Original bookends made of a two-part sculpture of a dachshund.

It's available from Barnes and Noble Here.

Monday 21 September 2009

Lucky Dachshund Pup Survives Swallowing Needle

Lucy, a lucky Augusta dachshund puppy is returning home after veterinary surgeons removed a sewing needle from her brain on Friday.

Lucy had apparently swallowed the needle after she got into some sewing supplies. Veterinarians from Columbia, South Carolina say it was one of the strangest cases they've ever seen.

Lucy the amazing dachshund puppy is only 10 inches long, and the sewing needle was an inch and a half long. The vets were able to retrieve the needle successfully, and say apart from possible balance problems, she should be a happy, healthy pet.

Wow. The needle must have driven itself from the mouth to the brain. Unbelievable! I'm curious to know how her owners knew something was wrong. Maybe they caught her as soon as she found the sewing basket and whisked her off to the vet straight away. Watch an NBC video about the story Here.

Maybe there's a reason she was called Lucy - only one letter away from Lucky!

Photo by NBC News

Thursday 6 August 2009

149. Dachshund Lost in Storm Found

A miniature dachshund who went missing after a freak windstorm on July 21 has been found safe and is now happily back home.

The Edmonton Sun reported that Devin Schneider is delighted to have her back, although he says "She's pretty skinny".

The distraught owner had put up a reward of $1,000 for Charlie’s safe return, but the kind people who returned him refused to take the money. Wasn’t that sweet?

Read the whole story Here.

Photo by David Bloom of Sun Media.

Thursday 18 June 2009

148. Miniature Dachshund's Killer Cop Identified

I wasn't going to include the story of the Danville cop who shot dead the helpless elderly miniature dachshund, because I much prefer happy dachshund stories than tragic ones. But the news has obviously moved so many people who have voiced their outrage, that I feel something somewhat positive may have emerged after all.

Read more about the story Here.

And now that images of the unreasonable cop have been posted on the internet, at least this man will not be able to hold onto his anonymity.

It's tragically ironic that the dog's name was Killer, but neighbors say he was a tiny harmless pet, so his owners clearly had a sense of humor when naming him.

To see how little and defenseless the trigger happy cop, Murrill McLean is, go Here.

Saturday 6 June 2009

147. World's Oldest Dog

Some people have come forward to say that Chanel is NOT the oldest dog in the world, and no doubt The Guinness Book of Records obviously going to have to amend their records, but I did wonder when I wrote the original post if this would happen.

Well there's no point in deleting Chanel's post, as she is still the world's oldest dachshund (as far as we know!)

Read more about Smokey the Shih-Tzu Here.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

146. Double Tragedy For Tiger Cub Adopted by Dachshund

A nine year old male wired haired dachshund, Monster, adopted an orphaned tiger, at Stroehen Zoo in Germany, but tragically Monster too died in an accident, leaving the tiger without its surrogate mother.

Monster's daughter, one year old Bessie, pictured above with the tiger cub, then took over the mothering the cub after her father was hit by a mail van. The zoo said that although it's not uncommon for dogs to adopt other species, it is unusual for a dog as young as Bessie to do so. The one week old unnamed tiger is twice Bessie's size, but Bessie just "fell in love" with the orphaned predator said Stroehen Zoo.

Read more Here and Here to read more about this amazing story.

Photos: Fabian Bimmer / Associated Press

Also check out this awesome video from the BBC Here

Monday 18 May 2009

145. World's Oldest Dachshund

Love this story of Chanel the 21 year old dachsie. It's been recorded by the Guinness Book of Records that she's the oldest dog in the world, but does that mean there cannot be other dogs out there that could be older?

I've heard of plenty of dogs that live to more than 20 years old, and they are the ones fed on a good diet of fresh meat and vegetables instead of tinned dog food.

Read more of Chanel's story Here

Wow she looks like Greta Garbo in those shades!

Photo courtesy of wcbstv.