Despite Germany being the dachshund’s true home, they are the least popular pets there that they have ever been.
In a further disturbing sign, a Dachshund race in Berlin had to be cancelled this year due to lack of interest.
Helmut-Jürgen Reinhardt, chairman of the National Dachshund Society says he thinks people are opting to rescue mixed breed dogs, rather than pay for up to 500 Euros for a pedigree dachshund.
“"I grew up with Dachshunds. They're very intelligent, very faithful and they're exceedingly good actors. When it's raining outside and they don't want to go walkies they pretend to be ill. And they're brave. My Dachshund takes on any dog regardless of how big he is and says 'I'm the boss!' They really are your best friend," said Reinhardt.
story courtesy of www.spiegel.de/international
‘Waldi’ 1972 Olympic Mascot image courtesy of www.olympic.org