Thursday, 31 May 2007

115. Dachshund Pool Video

Here’s a nice video of Archie the doxie enjoying his pool. Watch it to the end – he doesn’t just go round and round, but even that’s cute to watch.

If the embed link doesn’t work, go here to watch the video:
video coutesy of Peggy100

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

114. Mocha The Dachshund

Over at they have a Featured Dachshund section where they invite visitors to send in photos of their pet dachshunds, and they pick out their favorite ones. They picked Mocha this time, and as a professional documentary photographer, this is what makes a perfect photo for me.

It is just as good as any professional shot; almost everything’s in shade except the subject; it has clutter, which makes it more ‘real’ than a lot of staged pro shots; it’s of a goreous dahchsund!

So there you go – slightly biased! But I love this photo
image courtesy of owner Amanda Roden and

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

113. $2,500 Reward To Find Dachshund

Another dahchsund has gone missing. This time it’s Gus, a rare cream colored dachshund in New York who is believed to have been stolen. His owners have even hired a detective to help get him back.

Read more here.

Monday, 28 May 2007

112. Dachshund Mug

Is it just me, or is this spooky? The body’s flat on the mug, but the head’s 3D – and coming to get you!

Yeah, maybe it is just me!

Buy it from:

Sunday, 27 May 2007

111. Neglected Dachshunds

Twelve dachshunds have been found neglected and abused so badly that they don’t even have any fur. They all had infections and are now being cared for by Dachshund Adoption, Rescue and Education (DARE).

One died but the others seem to be doing really well in their recovery, and if you watch the video at the following site, you will see just how adorable, playful and trusting they all are, despite their painful ordeal. Read more at:

Thursday, 24 May 2007

110. 100% Dachshund?

If you were sold a ‘pedigree’ dachshund but aren’t convinced you weren’t ‘had’ now you can find out for sure. DNA testing for dogs will tell you exactly what breeds make up your dog.

For many owners, it will make a huge difference, as they often have no idea what their dog is! Read more here:

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

109. Slinky The Dachshund

Well Slinky in the film Toy Story 1& 2 was a dachshund of course, and the following site claims that you can buy him:

But I’m not convinced it’s really Slinky. I think he’s an imposter! The eyes, eyebrows, legs and tail are different. Maybe there were copyright issues, but then again, they still called it Slinky Dog.

And who on earth would attach the leash to the poor little thing's FACE? For heaven’s sake!

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

108. More Racing Dachshunds

Rusty the dachshund was the overall winner at Mineola's first ‘dachshund dash’ at last week’s May Day celebrations. Here he is with his owner Tracy Creech. Dachshund owners ran alongside their dogs and shouted and encouraged them in the right direction.

Read more at:
There’s another photo there similar to the photo I posted yesterday too.
image courtesy of Amy Peterson at

Monday, 21 May 2007

107. Flying Dachshunds

Hard to know who to credit for this picture. It does say at the bottom but I can't read it. It was taken at Belgrade’s Fall Festival but I don’t know what year.

I got it from so that’s who I’ll credit, although they do not say where they got it from. The same writer Sue reports at the top of the page the story of a bird who was a witness in a divorce trial, and it makes compelling reading but again, no source. So I can’t verify that it is true.

I hate that!

But never mind, enjoy the airbourne dachshunds. Let me know if you know who took the photo.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

106. Dachshund Purse

Here’s a photo of a dachshund purse, which believe it or not I’ve had to enlarge myself! Sadly the people aren’t too hot on marketing, and are losing out by having teeny tiny photos of their products. They should be utilising the website so customers can see what they have on sale.

It’s a shame because they could be quality products, and they do have links saying ‘Click to enlarge image’ – but the links just show the same tiny images – Duh!

I emailed them and let them know, but I’ve done that before for people, and instead of taking it for what it is; a bit of common sense business advice, some people don’t like to be criticised. Let’s hope they welcome the suggestion.

The site’s here at:
image courtesy of

Friday, 18 May 2007

105. Dachshund Models

This is Sausage, and he is a professional model (yeah he's taking a rest!) Film makers, Advertising Companies and other media need animal models all the time, and Sausage is on the books of model agency Pet London Models.

I was pleased to find there are other dachshund models on the same site called Kevin and Dave (I love dogs with ‘human’ names!), but was drawn to Sausage in this picture.
image courtesy of

Thursday, 17 May 2007

104. Yard Sale Dachshund Update

In post 99 I wrote about the man who sold the dachshund at his yard sale, when it wasn’t his to sell.

Well, poor little Kringle still has not been found, but the man who sold him now feels remorseful, and has offered to help find him, by putting up flyers around the town.

I still haven’t managed to find a photo of Kringle – I hope there’s a photo on the flyers, or they may not have the desired effect.

Read more Here:

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

103. Make Your Own Stuffed Toy Miniature Dachshund

Here’s a pattern and instructions for how to make your own Dachshund Cuddly Toy:

From the text, I don’t think English is their first language: (“You can make one by your hand”), but it’s a great article and item!

And if you get the sewing bug, there are plenty more items to make on the site too.
image courtesy of

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

102. Dachshund Puppies

Bob and Lori at Boylan Farms in Dewitt, Iowa always take their time placing their dachshund puppies with the right people, and encourage potential buyers to ask lots of questions. Here is Lilly, and her three gorgeous pups (two girls and one boy) that will be ready to adopt at the end of May. Go here for full details, then scroll down:
image courtesy of

Monday, 14 May 2007

101. What We Love About Dachshunds

When asked what they like most about their pets, most dachshund owners say their playfulness. They have always been popular with city dwellers because they tend not to smell like some dog breeds do, so need the minimal baths.

(Actually, a lot of people believe that dogs should not be bathed, as it ruins their coat’s oils. This is only true of outdoor working dogs. Most dogs kept indoors should be bathed or they will stink!)

Other dachshund character traits that owners like about their pets, are intelligence, fun loving, stubborn and demanding!

Sunday, 13 May 2007

100. Black and White Dachshund

It’s not often you see a black and white dachshund, but here’s one. Well, ok, 1 year old Zachary is a dachshund mix, but he appears to be the shape of a dachshund. Pretty unique eh?

He’s another gorgeous dog up for adoption, so if you live in or near Temecula, California and have been put under Zachary’s spell, then ring (951) 674 0618. Info at:

image courtesy of

Saturday, 12 May 2007

99. Stolen Dachshund Sold at Yard Sale

I can’t believe this! A man SOLD a dachshund at his yard sale and it wasn’t his dog to sell. He then rang the owner to tell her what he’d done.

What is the matter with people? Clearly he didn’t have any quality items for sale at his yard sale, so he decided to steal a dog to sell.

The black and tan dachshund Kringle managed to slip out of his collar and got free, and now his owner is heartbroken. Read the full story here:

I do hope the people who bought him have enough of a conscience to return him to his rightful owner.

Friday, 11 May 2007

98. Adopt a Tyler Dachshund

If you live in the Rose Growing Capital of America; Tyler, Texas, do not own a cat, and are able to give a great home to this little lady, 4 year old Ann, all you have to do is call 903-597-2471.

Isn’t she sweet? Read more at:

image courtesy of

Thursday, 10 May 2007

97. Dachshund Painting

Vicky Busby’s impressionist style paintings are amazing. I love the vibrant colors in her dachshund painting above. She also managed to capture the animation of the happy little dog playing. And there’s a brilliant cat painting on her website too at

image courtesy of Vicky Busby

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

96. Northern Dachshund Dog Show UK

Two dachshund owners with their competitors

In the UK dachshunds are often referred to as sausage dogs, and they recently had their annual Northern Dachshund Dog Show in Sheffield, which you can read about here:

photos courtesy of

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

95. Potty Train Your Dachshund Puppy

If you are having the same problem as Ann in Ohio, whose dachshund puppy is peeing indoors, then read this article, as she got a great reply from Connie Bloom. I happen to know that her techniques work, as I’ve had lots of success with many puppies using almost identical methods.

You need to train your human family members too! - as a consistent routine is extremely important.

Monday, 7 May 2007

94. Dachshunds Think Big!

Great Birthday Card here at:

Inside, it says, “Your Day To Live Large!”

It kind of sums up what dachshunds think of themselves anyway. They may be small, but they know they’re important!

Sunday, 6 May 2007

93. Dachshund Reporters

Here’s a funny piece I found that Jonathan Maziarz wrote on dog translation and how a reporter aims to find a solution to the problem of being under-staffed.

I have to diisagree that dachshunds only have four emotions though: asleep, awake, hungry and I will take a chunk out of your calf unless you let me roll in that dead moose.

What does he do to his dachshunds to make them wants to take chunks out of his calves? I know he’s only joking, but there are least 18 emotions that I can think of!

Read it Here: