Wednesday, 4 April 2007

78. Dachshunds nearly gets run over – in her own home!

On Monday night, an elderly lady sat in her living room, cuddled up in front of the TV with her pet dachshund Cleo, when all of a sudden a truck crashed into her house.

Amazingly, it was a wooden bar that her late husband built that possibly saved hers and Cleo’s life.

And more amazingly, Evelyn Sechrest forgives the young driver who was showing off in front of his friends, by trying to perform a skidding stunt. I wonder if Cleo forgives him though! Poor little thing.

Read the whole story at:

The thing that made me laugh, was when on TV’s ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Heather Mills and her partner were about to take the stage, when Mrs Sechrest heard a “deafening rumble and boom, and the living room wall exploded inward”. I didn’t realise Heather's dancing was quite that bad.

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