Sunday, 25 March 2007

70. Miniature Dachshund Survives Fire

Chester, an 18-month-old miniature dachshund survived an accidental stove fire that engulfed his home on Friday morning, thanks to firefighters who rushed him to the local veterinarian.

Sadly Chester's brother, Sparky, died.

Fire Marshal N. Reed Gustafson said of Chester "I knew he was going to be OK because when I turned the siren on, he started to howl,"

Emergency medical technician Peter Mendlinger held onto the cage as Gustafson drove. It was the first animal rescue for Mendlinger, a 14-year veteran EMT.

"A rescue is a rescue. You want to do what you can to save a life, any life," he said.

About 30 firefighters from the Colchester Hayward Volunteer Fire Department, Bozrah, Salem and Gardner Lake went to fight the blaze. Six firefighter cadets who were in school at Bacon Academy also went to the scene.

Read the rest of the story Here.,0,3489608.story?coll=hc-headlines-local

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