Tuesday, 13 March 2007

57. Stolen Dachshund Finds Her Way Home

Almost a year and a half after a young dachshund disappeared, she has now been
reunited with her delighted family.

In October 2005 Ruthie an 8 month old dachshund, was sitting on the back seat of the family car in Long Island when her owner Nancy Noel stopped to go into a store.

But when she returned to the car only moments later, Ruthie was gone.

The police were contacted, and fliers were put up arouind their neighborhood, but all to no avail.

But last week she was seen roaming around the Bronx by a good samaritan who dropped her off at a shelter in Manhattan.

Luckily Ruthie had been microchipped, and workers at the shelter were able to contact her family. Now 24 months old and 10 pounds heavier, her family never thought they’d see her again, but are over the moon she’s back home.

The moral of this story? Ruthie would never have found her way home if she wasn’t chipped – So always get your dachshund microchipped!
image courtesy of themilwaukeechannel.com

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