Friday, 23 February 2007

40. Dachshund Prey

It’s a common problem; you’re out walking your pet dachshund, and an eagle swoops down and tries to carry him or her off for dinner.

Do you a) ignore the eagle – after all, it’s obviously hungry, and who are you to get in the way of nature?

b) step in to pull your helpless dog away from the clutches of the bird, and risk being ripped to shreds yourself in the process?


c) try to ward off the predator with your umbrella / walking stick whatever you have in your hand?

C’mon guys, there’s no contest what you’d do. I would never condone hurting any animal, but when one animal is attacking your dog, hey – he’s the enemy here!

This poor old guy in Germany was just trying to save his dog, by using his walking stick on the eagle, and now he’s been fined $23,000 for his trouble.

The eagle was rare. Yeah, like he knew that, or even cared, as he watched his dog get attacked.

And the eagle had escaped from a widlife centre. Shouldn’t THEY be fined for allowing the bird to escape? But they are only paying $780 towards vet bills for the dog owner!

I mean, if your dog attacks a person, it’s the dog that gets destroyed and the owner fined, not the person who defends the person being attacked!

It’s all bananas!

Read more Here.

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