Sunday, 4 February 2007

21. 2007 Dachshund Calendars

When I started this blog on January 15, I thought it was too late to tell you all about 2007 Calendars, but actually I have had several people contact me since then asking where to buy a good Dachshund Calendar.

I seems that some people have to have them ALL! After all, it’s the photos they’re after and I’m pretty certain they are kept for years to come too!

Well here we are – At I’ve found just the site! They have calendars on every subject you can think of, including most dog breeds. As dachshunds are so popular, there are plenty of different calendars, and a few other dachshund gifts too.

It’s still not too late to use the calendar for the rest of the year. Just go Here to find to find the best one for you.

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